do my data support a GAMLSS model?
do I need GAMLSS to answer my questions?
size of the data
questions of interest
the basic GAMLSS algorithm
different statistical approaches for fitting a GAMLSS model
different machine learning techniques for fitting a GAMLSS model
.\[\begin{split} y_i & \stackrel{\small{ind}}{\sim }& {D}( \theta_{1i}, \ldots, \theta_{ki}) \nonumber \\ g(\theta_{1i}) &=& b_{10} + s_1({x}_{1i}) + \ldots, s_p({x}_{pi}) \nonumber\\ \ldots &=& \ldots \nonumber\\ g({\theta}_{ki}) &=& b_0 + s_1({x}_{1i}) + \ldots, s_p({x}_{pi}) \end{split} \qquad(1)\]
\[\begin{split} y_i & \stackrel{\small{ind}}{\sim }& {D}( \theta_{1i}, \ldots, \theta_{ki}) \nonumber \\ g({\theta}_{1i}) &=& {ML}_1({x}_{1i},{x}_{2i}, \ldots, {x}_{pi}) \nonumber \\ \ldots &=& \ldots \nonumber\\ g({\theta}_{ki}) &=& {ML}_1({x}_{1i},{x}_{2i}, \ldots, {x}_{pi}) \end{split} \qquad(2)\]
distribution parameters
coefficient parameters
- **coefficients**
- **random effects**
Initialize: set starting values for all distribution parameters \((\hat{\boldsymbol{\mu}}^{(0)}, \hat{\boldsymbol{\sigma}}^{(0)}, \hat{\boldsymbol{\nu}}^{(0)}, \hat{\boldsymbol{\tau}}^{(0)} )\).
For i in \(1,2,\ldots\)
fix \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\sigma}}^{(i-1)}\),\(\hat{\boldsymbol{\nu}}^{(i-1)}\), and \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\tau}}^{(i-1)}\) and fit a ML model to iterative response \(\textbf{y}_{\mu}\) using iterative weights \(\textbf{w}_{\mu}\) to obtain the new \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\mu}}^{(i)}\)
fix \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\mu}}^{(i)}\),\(\hat{\boldsymbol{\nu}}^{(i-1)}\), and \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\tau}}^{(i-1)}\) and fit a ML model to iterative response \(\textbf{y}_{\sigma}\) using iterative weights \(\textbf{w}_{\sigma}\) to obtain the new \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\sigma}}^{(i)}\)
fix \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\mu}}^{(i)}\),\(\hat{\boldsymbol{\sigma}}^{(i)}\), and \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\tau}}^{(i-1)}\) and fit a ML model to iterative response \(\textbf{y}_{\nu}\) using iterative weights \(\textbf{w}_{\nu}\) to obtain the new \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\nu}}^{(i)}\)
fix \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\mu}}^{(i)}\),\(\hat{\boldsymbol{\sigma}}^{(i)}\), and \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\nu}}^{(i)}\) and fit a ML model to iterative response \(\textbf{y}_{\tau}\) using iterative weights \(\textbf{w}_{\tau}\) to obtain the new \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\nu}}^{(i)}\)
check if the global deviance, \(-2(\textit{log-likelihood})\) does not change repeat otherwise exit
assumed distribution (the log-likelihood is needed and the first and second derivatives)
hierarchy of the paramerers (i.e. a good location model is required before model the scale)
orthogonality of the parameters (leads to better convergence)
Specify a distribution family, and select values for all the parameters.
generate a sample of of N observations (default \(N=10000\))
fit the distribution to the generated sample.
display the correlation coefficients of the estimated predictors, \(\eta_{\theta}\).
are the standard errors available?
do the x’s need standardization.
about the algorithm
- stability
- speed
- convergence
nonlinear terms
dataset type
is the selection of x’s automatic?
gamlss2(formula = rent ~ area + poly(yearc, 2) + location + bath +
kitchen + cheating | area + yearc + location + bath + kitchen +
cheating, data = da, family = BCTo, ... = pairlist(trace = FALSE))
Family: BCTo
Link function: mu = log, sigma = log, nu = identity, tau = log
Parameter: mu
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 5.0132864 0.0275445 182.007 < 2e-16 ***
area 0.0106293 0.0002329 45.640 < 2e-16 ***
location2 0.0878750 0.0104118 8.440 < 2e-16 ***
location3 0.1983303 0.0383017 5.178 2.39e-07 ***
bath1 0.0415152 0.0206509 2.010 0.0445 *
kitchen1 0.1129557 0.0236130 4.784 1.80e-06 ***
cheating1 0.3304758 0.0240475 13.743 < 2e-16 ***
poly(yearc, 2)1 5.0471663 0.3301520 15.287 < 2e-16 ***
poly(yearc, 2)2 3.3575299 0.2751069 12.204 < 2e-16 ***
Parameter: sigma
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 1.047e+01 6.245e-02 167.650 < 2e-16 ***
area 1.218e-03 6.099e-04 1.996 0.0460 *
yearc -5.972e-03 8.078e-07 -7392.764 < 2e-16 ***
location2 5.971e-02 2.911e-02 2.051 0.0403 *
location3 2.176e-01 9.224e-02 2.359 0.0184 *
bath1 5.069e-03 5.966e-02 0.085 0.9323
kitchen1 3.750e-02 7.106e-02 0.528 0.5977
cheating1 -2.431e-01 4.766e-02 -5.100 3.6e-07 ***
Parameter: nu
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 0.65342 0.05454 11.98 <2e-16 ***
Parameter: tau
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 3.18974 0.01758 181.4 <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
n = 3082 df = 19 res.df = 3063
Deviance = 38254.617 Null Dev. Red. = 5.95%
AIC = 38292.617 elapsed = 0.32sec
gamlss2(formula = rent ~ s(area) + s(yearc) + location + bath +
kitchen + cheating | s(area) + s(yearc) + location + bath +
kitchen + cheating, data = da, family = BCTo, ... = pairlist(trace = F))
Family: BCTo
Link function: mu = log, sigma = log, nu = identity, tau = log
Parameter: mu
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 5.71524 0.02082 274.541 < 2e-16 ***
location2 0.08808 0.01102 7.994 1.83e-15 ***
location3 0.20998 0.04965 4.229 2.41e-05 ***
bath1 0.05792 0.04280 1.353 0.17605
kitchen1 0.10859 0.03642 2.982 0.00289 **
cheating1 0.34594 0.02021 17.114 < 2e-16 ***
Smooth terms:
s(area) s(yearc)
edf 6.6271 6.4275
Parameter: sigma
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -1.15569 0.03695 -31.277 < 2e-16 ***
location2 0.05293 0.02264 2.338 0.0195 *
location3 0.21218 0.08616 2.463 0.0138 *
bath1 0.03440 0.08318 0.414 0.6792
kitchen1 0.01861 0.07591 0.245 0.8063
cheating1 -0.23431 0.03754 -6.242 4.91e-10 ***
Smooth terms:
s(area) s(yearc)
edf 1.1077 4.0742
Parameter: nu
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 0.69275 0.04548 15.23 <2e-16 ***
Parameter: tau
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 3.26960 0.07549 43.31 <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
n = 3082 df = 32.24 res.df = 3049.76
Deviance = 38132.48 Null Dev. Red. = 6.25%
AIC = 38196.9528 elapsed = 0.47sec
mregtree <- gamlss2(rent~tree(~area+yearc+location+bath+kitchen+cheating)|
family=BCTo, data=da, trace=FALSE)
GAIC(mlinear, madditive, mregtree)
AIC df
madditive 38196.95 32.2364
mlinear 38292.62 19.0000
mregtree 38754.64 30.0000
f <- rent ~ n(~area+yearc+location+bath+kitchen, size=10)| n(~area+yearc+location+bath+kitchen, size=3)
mneural <- gamlss2(f,family=BCTo, data=da)
GAMLSS-RS iteration 1: Global Deviance = 38208.8675 eps = 0.289873
GAMLSS-RS iteration 2: Global Deviance = 38178.0402 eps = 0.000806
GAMLSS-RS iteration 3: Global Deviance = 38177.034 eps = 0.000026
GAMLSS-RS iteration 4: Global Deviance = 38176.766 eps = 0.000007
AIC df
madditive 38196.95 32.2364
mlinear 38292.62 19.0000
mneural 38396.77 110.0000
mregtree 38754.64 30.0000
f <- rent ~ cf(~area+yearc+location+bath+kitchen)| cf(~area+yearc+location+bath+kitchen)
mcf <- gamlss2(f,family=BCTo, data=da)
GAMLSS-RS iteration 1: Global Deviance = 38465.948 eps = 0.285095
GAMLSS-RS iteration 2: Global Deviance = 38295.835 eps = 0.004422
GAMLSS-RS iteration 3: Global Deviance = 38289.9702 eps = 0.000153
GAMLSS-RS iteration 4: Global Deviance = 38288.2421 eps = 0.000045
GAMLSS-RS iteration 5: Global Deviance = 38287.9638 eps = 0.000007
AIC df
madditive 38196.95 32.2364
mlinear 38292.62 19.0000
mneural 38396.77 110.0000
mcf 38695.96 204.0000
mregtree 38754.64 30.0000
there is function ri()
in gamlss
using P-splines
there is also package gamlss.lasso
for gamlss
connecting with package glmnet
but LASSO is non implemented for gamlss2
functions pc()
and pcr()
in gamlss.foreach
package for gamlss
PCR is non implemented for gamlss2
ML Models | coef. s.e. | stand. of x’s | algo. stab., speed, conv. | non-linear terms | inter- actions | data type | auto sele-ction | interpre- tation |
linear | yes | no | yes, fast, v.good | poly | declare | \(n>r\) | no | v. easy |
additive | no | no | yes, slow, good | smooth | declare | \(n>r\) | no | easy |
RT | no | no | no, slow, bad | trees | auto | \(n>r\)?? | yes | easy |
ML Models | coef. s.e. | stand. of x’s | algo. stab., speed, conv. | non-linear terms | inter- actions | data type | auto sele-ction | interpre- tation |
NN | no | 0 to 1 | no, \(\,\,\) ok, \(\,\,\) ok | auto | auto | both? | yes | v. hard |
RF | no | no | no, slow, slow | YES | no | both | auto | hard |
LASSO | no | yes | yes, fast, good | poly | declare | both | auto | easy |
ML Models | coef. s.e. | stand. of x’s | algo. stab., speed, conv. | non-linear terms | inter- actions | data type | auto sele-ction | interpre- tation |
Boost | no | no | yes, fast, good | smooth trees | declare | \(n<<r\) | yes | easy |
MCMC | yes | no | good, ok, \(\,\,\) ok | smooth | declare | \(n>r\) | no | easy |
PCR | yes | yes | yes, fast, good | poly | declare | both | auto | hard |
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