Comparing Models

Mikis Stasinopoulos
Bob Rigby
Fernanda De Bastiani
Gillian Heller
Niki Umlauf


  • what to compare

    • distributions
    • x-variables
  • how ro compare

    • graphical diagnostic tools;
    • model summary statistics

summary statistics

Data Methods
all data \(\chi^2\), GAIC
test data LS, CRPS, MSE etc.
data partitioning
K-fold LS, CRPS
bootstrap LS, CRPS

Summary Comparison Statistics

  • if no partition evaluation is done in the training dataset
    • Generalized AIC
      \[ GAIC = \hat{GD}+ k \times df \]
    • \(\chi^2\) test: likelihood ratio test for nested models \[LR= GD_1/ GD_0 \sim \chi^2(df0- df_1) \]

Summary Comparison Statistics (con.)

  • partition: evaluation is done on new data

    • Likelihod score (LS) \(\equiv\) Prediction Global Deviance (PGD)
    • Continuous Rank Probabily Score (CRPS)
    • Mean Absolute Prediction Error (MAPE)
    • e.t.c.

no partition


models df AIC \(\chi^2\) BIC
mlinear 24 22808.89 22855.45 22953.69
madditive 29.24 22814.33 22871.07 22990.77
mfneural 160 22930.36 23240.76 23895.69
mregtree 30 38754.64 38812.84 38935.64
mcf 404 38754.64 24481.28 26134.99

GAIC (continuous)

Figure 1: A lollipop plot of AIC of the fitted models.


prediction measures

  • \[LS= \sum_{i=1}^{n^*} \log \left[y^*_i | \hat{\theta}_i \left(\textbf{x}_i^*\right) \right] \]
  • \[CRPS = -\sum_{i=1}^{n} \int \left(F(y| \hat{\theta}_i \left(\textbf{x}_i^*\right) -\textbf{I}\left(y \ge y^*_i\right)\right)^2 dy,\]
  • \[MAPE= \texttt{med} \left(\left|100 \left(\frac{\hat{\mu}_i(\textbf{x}_i^*)-y^*}{y^*}\right) \right|_{i=1,\ldots.n}\right)\]

prediction measures table

models LS CRPS
mlinear -6.2302 73.5738
madditive -6.2288 73.8201
mfneural -6.5126 79.9394
mregtree -6.2930 78.6704
mcf -6.2966 79.0644


  • the GAIC is well established and tested (the df of freedom need to be known)

  • the linear and additive model are good when there are not many explanatory variables (but somehow interactions have to be considered)

  • more work has to be done to standardised all ML techniques so their partitioning of data are comparable to the conventional additive models


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