Mikis Stasinopoulos
Bob Rigby
Gillian Heller
Fernanda De Bastiani
Niki Umlauf



  • Morning

    • why GAMLSS

    • Available software

    • Practical 1

  • Afternoon

    • Distributions

    • Continuous distributions

    • Practical 2


  • Morning

    • Discrete Distributions

    • Mixed distributions

    • Practical 3

  • Afternoon

    • Model Fitting

    • Model Selection

    • Practical 4


  • Morning

    • Centile estination

    • Diagnostics and ggplots

    • Practical 5

  • Afternoon

    • Model Comparison

    • Model Interpretation

    • Discussion


  • Statistical modelling

  • Ditributional Regression

Statistical modelling

Statistical models

“all models are wrong but some are useful”.

– George Box

  • Models should be parsimonious

  • Models should be fit for purpose and able to answer the question at hand

  • Statistical models have a stochastic component

  • All models are based on assumptions.


  • Assumptions are made to simplify things

  • Explicit assumptions

  • Implicit assumptions

  • it is easier to check the explicit assumptions rather the implicit ones

Model circle


  • \[ X \stackrel{\textit{M}(\theta)}{\longrightarrow} Y \]
  • \(y\): targer, the y or the dependent variable
  • \(X\): explanatory, features, x’s or independent variables or terms

Linear Model

  • standard way

\[ \begin{equation} y_i= b_0 + b_1 x_{1i} + b_2 x_{2i}, \ldots, b_p x_{pi}+ \epsilon_i \end{equation} \qquad(1)\]

Linear Model

  • different way

\[ \begin{split} y_i & \stackrel{\small{ind}}{\sim } & {N}(\mu_i, \sigma) \nonumber \\ \mu_i &=& b_0 + b_1 x_{1i} + b_2 x_{2i}, \ldots, b_p x_{pi} \end{split} \qquad(2)\]

Example: BMI data

Example: BMI fitted model

Additive Models

\[ \begin{split} y_i & \stackrel{\small{ind}}{\sim } & {N}(\mu_i, \sigma) \nonumber \\ \mu_i &=& b_0 + s_1(x_{1i}) + s_2(x_{2i}), \ldots, s_p(x_{pi}) \end{split} \qquad(3)\]

Example: additive fitted model

Machine Learning Models

\[\begin{split} y_i & \stackrel{\small{ind}}{\sim }& {N}(\mu_i, \sigma) \nonumber \\ \mu_i &=& ML(x_{1i},x_{2i}, \ldots, x_{pi}) \end{split} \qquad(4)\]

Example: neural networks

Example: regression tree

Generalised Linear Models

\[\begin{split} y_i & \stackrel{\small{ind}}{\sim }& {E}(\mu_i, \phi) \nonumber \\ g(\mu_i) &=& b_0 + b_1 x_{1i} + b_2 x_{2i}, \ldots, b_p x_{pi} \end{split} \qquad(5)\]

  • \({E}(\mu_i, \phi)\) : Exponential family

  • \(g(\mu_i)\) : the link function

Example: GLM

Example: diagnostics 1

Example: diagnostics 2

Example: diagnostics 3

Example: conclusion

  • the mean of the response is fitted fine with the linear model but the distribution is not

  • the distribution (implicit Normal) is not-adequate

  • even the explicit Gamma distribution of the GLM is not-adequate

  • therefore if we are interested on a statistic different from the mean we need something extra.

Distributional regression

Distributional regression

\[ X \stackrel{\textit{M}(\boldsymbol{\theta})}{\longrightarrow} D\left(Y|\boldsymbol{\theta}(\textbf{X})\right) \]

  • All parameters \(\boldsymbol{\theta}\) could functions of the explanatory variables \(\boldsymbol{\theta}(\textbf{X})\).

  • \(D\left(Y|\boldsymbol{\theta}(\textbf{X})\right)\) can be any \(k\) parameter distribution

Generalised Additive models for Location Scale and Shape

\[\begin{split} y_i & \stackrel{\small{ind}}{\sim }& {D}( \theta_{1i}, \ldots, \theta_{ki}) \nonumber \\ g(\theta_{1i}) &=& b_{10} + s_1({x}_{1i}) + \ldots, s_p({x}_{pi}) \nonumber\\ \ldots &=& \ldots \nonumber\\ g({\theta}_{ki}) &=& b_0 + s_1({x}_{1i}) + \ldots, s_p({x}_{pi}) \end{split} \qquad(6)\]


\[\begin{split} y_i & \stackrel{\small{ind}}{\sim }& {D}( \theta_{1i}, \ldots, \theta_{ki}) \nonumber \\ g({\theta}_{1i}) &=& {ML}_1({x}_{1i},{x}_{2i}, \ldots, {x}_{pi}) \nonumber \\ \ldots &=& \ldots \nonumber\\ g({\theta}_{ki}) &=& {ML}_1({x}_{1i},{x}_{2i}, \ldots, {x}_{pi}) \end{split} \qquad(7)\]

Example: GAMLSS

Example: diagnostics

Example: diagnostics 2

Example: diagnostics 3

Fitted Centiles

Figure 1: Centile-plot of the fitted m6 model

The true BMI data

The fitted model

The fitted centiles

Diagnostics 1

Diagnostics 2

Diagnostics 3


  • Distributional assumptions often needed for the response to be fitted properly

  • In the BMI example above we needed to model all the parameters of the distribution as function of the explanatory variable age.

  • Those parameters were the location parameter \(\mu\), the scale parameter, \(\sigma\), the skewness parameter, \(\nu\), and the kurtotic parameter \(\tau\)

  • Machine Learning methods are useful (especially for modelling interactions between variables) but they are not suitable if the interest do non lie in the mean.


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