Mixed Distributions

Mikis Stasinopoulos
Bob Rigby
Fernanda De Bastiani
Gillian Heller
Niki Umlauf


  • A mixed distribution is special case of a finite mixture distribution

  • it has two components: a continuous distribution and a discrete distribution

  • it is a continuous distribution where the range of \(Y\) also includes discrete values with non-zero probabilities.


  • Zero adjusted distributions on \([0, \infty]\)

  • inflated distributions on \([0,1]\)

    \([0,1)\) inflated at zero

    \((0,1]\) inflated at one

    \([0,1]\) inflated at zero and one

Zero adjusted distributions

Zero adjusted distributions

  • explicit: (they exist in gamlss.dist package)

  • impicit (they can be generated generated using the package gamlss.inf)

Explicit mixed dist (con.)

name gamlss range parameter-links
beta inf. BEINF0 \([0, 1)\) logit , logit , log , -
beta-inf. BEOI \([0 , 1)\) logit , log , logit , -
beta 1-inf. BEINF1 \((0, 1]\) logit , logit , log , -
beta 1-inf. BEZI \((0, 1]\) logit, log, logit, -
beta 0 & 1 inf BEINF \([0, 1]\) logit, logit, log, log
gamma 0-adj. ZAGA \([0, \infty)\) log, log, logit, -
inv Gaussian 0-adj ZAIG \([0, \infty)\) log, log, logit, -

zero adjusted

  • pdf
\[\begin{split} f_Y(y)= \begin{cases} p & \mbox{if } y=0 \\ (1-p)f_{Y_1}(y) & \mbox{if } y>0\ . \end{cases} \label{E:MPFZAW} \end{split}\]
  • cdf \[\begin{equation} P(Y \leq y)= p + (1-p) P (Y_1 \leq y) \label{E:CDFZAW} \end{equation}\]

zero adjusted con.

example zero adjusted

gen.Family(family="SST", type="log")
A  log  family of distributions from SST has been generated 
 and saved under the names:  
 dlogSST plogSST qlogSST rlogSST logSST 
A zero adjusted logSST distribution has been generated 
 and saved under the names:  
 dlogSSTZadj plogSSTZadj qlogSSTZadj rlogSSTZadj 

example zero adjusted (con.)

plotlogSSTZadj(mu= 1, sigma=1, nu=1, tau=10, xi0=.1); title("(a)")

example zero adjusted (con.)

plotlogSSTZadj(mu=-1, sigma=1, nu=1, tau=10, xi0=.1); title("(b)")

example zero adjusted (con.)

plotlogSSTZadj(mu=-1, sigma=2, nu=1, tau=10, xi0=.1); title("(c)")

example zero adjusted (con.)

plotlogSSTZadj(mu=0,  sigma=2, nu=1, tau=10, xi0=.1); title("(d)")

example zero adjusted (con.)

plotlogSSTZadj(mu=0,  sigma=1, nu=10,tau=10, xi0=.1); title("(e)")

example zero adjusted (con.)

plotlogSSTZadj(mu=0,  sigma=1, nu=1, tau=3,  xi0=.1); title("(f)")

example zero adjusted (con.)

plotlogSSTZadj(mu=0,  sigma=1, nu=2, tau=3,  xi0=.5); title("(g)")

example zero adjusted (con.)

plotlogSSTZadj(mu=0,  sigma=1, nu=.3,tau=100,xi0=.1); title("(h)")

Zero and one inflated distributions

Zero and one inflated distributions

\[\begin{eqnarray} f_Y(y)=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} p_0 & \mbox{if $y=0$} \\ (1-p_0-p_1) f_W(y) & \mbox{if $0<y<1$} \\ p_1 & \mbox{if $y=1$} \\ \end{array} \label{pdfDINF} \right. \end{eqnarray}\]

example of Zero and one inflated

plotBEINF( mu =.5 , sigma=.5, nu = 0.5, tau = 0.5)

example of Zero and one inflated (con.)

gen.Family(family="SST", type="logit")
A  logit  family of distributions from SST has been generated 
 and saved under the names:  
 dlogitSST plogitSST qlogitSST rlogitSST logitSST 
gen.Inf0to1(family="logitSST",  type.of.Inflation="Zero&One")
A  0to1 inflated logitSST distribution has been generated 
 and saved under the names:  
 dlogitSSTInf0to1 plogitSSTInf0to1 qlogitSSTInf0to1 rlogitSSTInf0to1 

example of Zero and one inflated (con.)

plotlogitSSTInf0to1(mu= 1, sigma=1, nu=1, tau=10, xi0=.1, xi1=.2); title("(a)")

example of Zero and one inflated (con.)

plotlogitSSTInf0to1(mu=-1, sigma=1, nu=1, tau=10, xi0=.1, xi1=.2); title("(b)")

example of Zero and one inflated (con.)

plotlogitSSTInf0to1(mu=-1, sigma=2, nu=1, tau=10, xi0=.1, xi1=.2); title("(c)")

example of Zero and one inflated (con.)

plotlogitSSTInf0to1(mu=0,  sigma=2, nu=1, tau=10, xi0=.1, xi1=.2); title("(d)")

example of Zero and one inflated (con.)

plotlogitSSTInf0to1(mu=0,  sigma=1, nu=10,tau=10, xi0=.1, xi1=.2); title("(e)")

example of Zero and one inflated (con.)

plotlogitSSTInf0to1(mu=0,  sigma=1, nu=1, tau=3,  xi0=.1, xi1=.2); title("(f)")

example of Zero and one inflated (con.)

plotlogitSSTInf0to1(mu=0,  sigma=1, nu=2, tau=3,  xi0=.5, xi1=.1); title("(g)")

example of Zero and one inflated (con.)

plotlogitSSTInf0to1(mu=0,  sigma=1, nu=.3,tau=100,xi0=.1, xi1=.5); title("(h)")

select distribution

Find a distribution

flowchart TB
  A[responce] --> B(continuous) 
  A --> C[discrete]
  A --> D[factor]
  B --> F[real line]
  B --> G[pos. real line]
  B --> H[0 to 1]
  C --> J[infinite count]
  C --> I[finite count]
  D --> K[unordered]
  D --> L[ordered]
  I --> N[binary]
  K --> N[binary]
Figure 1: Type of distribution for the response.


  • Select an appropriate class of distributions following the diagram above.
  • Use the function chooseDist() to fit a “linear” models for both \(\mu\) and \(\sigma\)
  • Use GAIC to finds the best fit
  • Use model diagnostics to check the distribution


da <- rent99[, -c(2,9)]
# fit a linear model with all variables above to both mu and sigma
 m1 <- gamlss2(rent~.|., data=da, family=GA,trace=FALSE)
 M1 <- chooseDist(m1, type="realplus", parallel="snow", ncpus=10)
minimum GAIC(k= 2 ) family: BCTo 
minimum GAIC(k= 3.84 ) family: BCCGo 
minimum GAIC(k= 8.03 ) family: BCCGo 

chooseDist() (con.)

getOrder(M1, column=1) 
GAIG with k= 2 
    BCTo    BCCGo    BCPEo       GG      GB2     BCCG      BCT     BCPE 
38435.06 38435.48 38436.67 38448.83 38469.66 38474.04 38475.64 38476.00 
      GA   exGAUS      WEI     WEI3      GIG    LOGNO   LOGNO2       IG 
38485.04 38513.62 38517.73 38518.44 38548.69 38633.88 38633.88 38695.74 
    WEI2      EXP  PARETO2       GP PARETO2o   IGAMMA      LNO 
38905.86 43706.40 44005.87 44005.87 46106.69 66406.55       NA 

worm plot

Figure 2

bucket plot


flowchart LR
  A(responce) --> B[type] 
  B --> C[initial fit]
  C --> D[chooseDist]
  D --> F{check}
  F --> G[residual diagnostics]
  F --> E[overfitting]
Figure 3: Summary for finding an initial distribution.

practical 3


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