Interpreting models

Mikis Stasinopoulos
Bob Rigby
Fernanda De Bastiani
Gillian Heller
Niki Umlauf


  • how to interpreted the effect of a single term into the distribution of the response;
  • how to use the GAMLSS model for prediction.


  • how the information we obtain from the fitted model can be used
flowchart TB
  A[Features.] --> B(Parameters) 
  B --> D[Properties, \n Characteristics]
  D -->  C(Distribution)
  B --> C
Figure 1: How x-variables effecting the properties of the distribution.

graphical Partial effects

  • ceteris paribus (concentate in one term fixing the rest)

  • \(\textbf{x}_j\) denote a single (or maximum two terms)

  • \(\textbf{x}_{-j}\) all the rest so \(\{\textbf{x}_j, \textbf{x}_{-j} \}\) are all terms in the model

  • \(\omega(D)\) the characteristic of the distribution we are interested \({D}(y | \textbf{x}_j , \textbf{x}_{-j}; \boldsymbol{\theta})\) i.e. kurtosis

  • under scenario, \(\textbf{S}[g()]\) ()

  • \[{PE}_{\omega({D})}\left( \textbf{x}_{j} | \textbf{S} \left[ g(\textbf{x}_{-j})\right] \right)\]


  • fixing values of \(\textbf{x}_{-j}\) (mean or median for continuous, level with more number of observations for factors or other possible values of importance)

  • average over values of \(\textbf{x}_{-j}\)

    • Partial Dependence Plots (PDF), \(\textbf{S}\left[ \text{average}(\textbf{x}_{-j})\right]\)
    • Accumulated Local Effects, (ALE), accumulated average local differences
    • Marginal Effects (ME) average over local neighbourhood


  • predictors, \(\eta_{\theta_i}\)

  • parameters, \(\theta_i\)

  • moment, i.e. mean and variance

  • quantiles i.e. median

  • distribution

PE-parameter \(\mu\) additive


PE-parameter \(\mu\) NN

pe_param(mneural, "area" )
pe_param(mneural, "yearc" )

PE; parameter \(\sigma\); additive

pe_param(madditive,"area", parameter="sigma")
pe_param(madditive,"yearc", parameter="sigma")

PE; parameter \(\sigma\); NN

pe_param(mneural,"area", parameter="sigma")
pe_param(mneural,"yearc", parameter="sigma")

all terms (additive)

pe_param_grid(madditive,c("area", "yearc",  "location", "bath", "kitchen"))

2 way interactions (additive)

pe_param(madditive, c("area", "yearc"))
pe_param( madditive, c("area", "yearc"), filled=TRUE)

ALE; parameters \(\mu\); Additive


ALE; parameters \(\mu\); NN


ALE interactions

gamlss.ggplots:::ale_param(madditive,c("area", "yearc"))
gamlss.ggplots:::ale_param(mneural,c("area", "yearc"))

moments (mean)

  • Not implemented yet for gamlss2 objects

  • Note that moments not always exist for example for the BCTo distribution

    • for \(\tau\le2\) the variance do not exist

    • for \(\tau\le1\) the mean do not exist

quantiles, additive


quantiles, additive (con.)

quantiles interactions

 gamlss.ggplots:::pe_quantile(madditive,c("area", "yearc"))

quantiles interactions 2

gamlss.ggplots:::pe_quantile(madditive,c("area", "location"))

quantiles interactions 2

gamlss.ggplots:::pe_quantile(madditive,c( "location", "bath"))

distributions, \(\mu\), additive

gamlss.ggplots:::pe_pdf_grid(madditive, list("area", "yearc", "location","bath"))

distributions, \(\mu\), NN

gamlss.ggplots:::pe_pdf_grid(mneural, list("area", "yearc", "location","bath"))

the purpose of the study

  • the purpose should be always in our mind when we try to analyse any data

  • for the Munich rent data are collected almost every 10 years

  • guidance to judges on whether a disputed rent is a fair or not

  • purpose is to identify very low or very hight rents by correcting for the explanatory variables

  • similar in detecting “outliers”

  • a possible solution: prediction z-scores

prediction z-scores


rent area yearc location bath kitchen heating
1500 140 1983 3 1 1 1
1000 55 1915 1 0 0 0
800 65 1960 1 1 1 1

prediction z-scores (con.)

    rent <- c(1500, 1000,800)
    area <- c(140, 55, 65)
   yearc <- c(1983, 1915, 1960)
location <- factor(c(3,1,1))
    bath <- factor(c(1,0,1))
 kitchen <- factor(c(1,0,1))
cheating <- factor(c(1,0,1))
ndat <- data.frame(rent, area, yearc, location, bath, kitchen, cheating)
cat("prediction z-scores", "\n")
prediction z-scores 
pp <-predict(madditive, newdata=ndat, type="parameter")
 qNO(madditive$family$p(q=ndat$rent, par=pp))
[1] 0.2589106 4.7675783 2.1005927


GAMLSS can tackle problems where the interest of the investigation lies not only in the center but other parts of the distribution.

Personal view for the future of GAMLSS development;

  • theoretical contributions

  • software and

  • knowledge exchange

Summary (continue)

  • theoretical contributions
    • interpretable tools
    • model average for prediction
  • software
    • gamlss2
  • books and knowledge exchange
    • there is need for applied and elementary books
    • more application public health and environment

the team

working party current past
Gillian Heller Konstantinos Pateras Popi Akantziliotou
Fernanda De Bastiani Paul Eilers Vlasios Voudouris
Thomas Kneib Nikos Kametas Nicoleta Mortan
Achim Zaileis Tim Cole Daniil Kiose
Andreas Mayr Nikos Georgikopoulos Dea-Jin Lee
Nicolaus Umlauf Luiz Nakamura María Xosé Rodríguez-Álvarez
Reto Stauffer Nadja Klein Majid Djennad
Robert Rigby Julian Merder Fiona McElduff
Mikis Stasinopoulos Abu Hossain Raydonal Ospina



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