Continuous Distributions

Mikis Stasinopoulos
Bob Rigby
Gillian Heller
Fernanda De Bastiani
Niki Umlauf


  • \((-\infty, \infty)\) real line \(\Re\) [Chapter 4 of Rigby et al (2019)]

  • \((0, \infty )\) positive real line \(\Re^{+}\) [Chapter 5]

  • \((0,1)\) real line on interval \(\Re_{(0,1)}\) (not containing zero or one) [Chapter 6]

Explicit distributions in real line, \(\Re\).

Location and Scale family

if \[Y\sim {D}(\mu,\sigma,\nu,\tau)\] then \[\varepsilon=(Y-\mu)/\sigma\sim {D}(0,1,\nu,\tau),\]

i.e. \(Y=\mu+\sigma\varepsilon\), so \(Y\) is a scaled and shifted version of the random variable \(\varepsilon\).



2 parameter in \(\Re\)

  • Gumbel, GU(\(\mu\), \(\sigma\)), left skew

  • Logistic, LO(\(\mu\), \(\sigma\)), lepto

  • Normal, NO(\(\mu\), \(\sigma\)), NO(\(\mu\), \(\sigma^2\))

  • Reverse Gumbel RG(\(\mu\), \(\sigma\)), right skew

2 parameter in \(\Re\) (con.)

  • Normal against Logistic

2 parameter in \(\Re\) (con.)

  • Normal against Gumbel and reverse Gumbel

3 parameter in \(\Re\)

  • exponential Gaussian: exGAUS\((\mu, \sigma, \nu)\) for modelling right skew data,

  • normal family: NOF\((\mu, \sigma, \nu)\) for modelling mean and variance relationships following the power law;

  • power exponential: PE\((\mu, \sigma, \nu)\) and PE2\((\mu, \sigma, \nu)\) for modelling lepto and platy kurtotic data;

  • t family: TF\((\mu, \sigma, \nu)\) and TF2\((\mu, \sigma, \nu)\) for modelling lepro kurtotic data;

  • skew normal: SN1\((\mu, \sigma, \nu)\) and SK2\((\mu, \sigma, \nu)\) for modellinng skewness in data.

3 parameter in \(\Re\) (con.)

  • Skew Normal type 1

3 parameter in \(\Re\) (con.)

  • Skew Normal type 1

3 parameter in \(\Re\) (TEST 1)

3 parameter in \(\Re\) PE

  • Power Exponential

3 parameter in \(\Re\) PE (test)

3 parameter in \(\Re\) TF

  • t family

3 parameter in \(\Re\) TF (test)

4 parameter in \(\Re\)

  • exponential generalised beta type 2,
    \(EGB2(\mu,\sigma,\nu,\tau)\) skewness and leptokurtosis;

  • generalised t, GT\((\mu,\sigma, \nu, \tau)\) kurtosis;

  • Johnson's SU, JSU\((\mu,\sigma, \nu, \tau)\) and \(\texttt{JSUo}(\mu,\sigma, \nu, \tau)\) skewness and leptokurtosis;

  • normal-exponential-t \(\texttt{NET}(\mu,\sigma, \nu, \tau)\), robustly location and scale

  • skew exponential power \(\texttt{SEP1}(\mu,\sigma, \nu, \tau)\), \(\texttt{SEP2}(\mu,\sigma, \nu, \tau)\), \(\texttt{SEP3}(\mu,\sigma, \nu, \tau)\) and \(\texttt{SEP4}(\mu,\sigma, \nu, \tau)\) skewness and lepto-platy;

4 parameter in \(\Re\) (con.)

  • sinh-arcsinh, \(\texttt{SHASH}(\mu,\sigma, \nu, \tau)\), \(\texttt{SHASHo}(\mu,\sigma, \nu, \tau)\) and \(\texttt{SHASHo2}(\mu,\sigma, \nu, \tau)\) skewness and lepto-platy;

  • skew t, \(\texttt{ST1}(\mu,\sigma, \nu, \tau)\), \(\texttt{ST2}(\mu,\sigma, \nu, \tau)\), \(\texttt{ST3}(\mu,\sigma, \nu, \tau)\), \(\texttt{ST4}(\mu,\sigma, \nu, \tau)\), \(\texttt{ST5}(\mu,\sigma, \nu, \tau)\) and \(\texttt{SST}(\mu,\sigma, \nu, \tau)\) skewness and leptokurtosis.

4 parameter in \(\Re\) SEP1

  • SEP1\(\mu=0, \sigma=1, \nu=0,1,2, \tau=1\)

4 parameter in \(\Re\) SEP1

  • SEP1\(\mu=0, \sigma=1, \nu=0,1,2, \tau=2\)

4 parameter in \(\Re\) SEP1

  • SEP1\(\mu=0, \sigma=1, \nu=0,1,2, \tau=5\)

4 parameter in \(\Re\) SEP1

4 parameter in \(\Re\) NET


Distributions family no par. skewness kurtosis
Exp. Gaussian exGAUS 3 positive -
Exp.G. beta 2 EGB2 4 both lepto
Gen. t GT 4 (symmetric) lepto
Gumbel GU 2 (negative) -
Johnson’s SU JSU, JSUo 4 both lepto
Logistic LO 2 (symmetric) (lepto)
Normal-Expon.-t NET 2,(2) (symmetric) lepto
Normal NO-NO2 2 (symmetric) (meso)
Normal Family NOF 3 (symmetric) (meso)
Power Expon. PE-PE2 3 (symmetric) both
Reverse Gumbel RG 2 positive
Sinh Arcsinh SHASH, 4 both both
Skew Exp. Power SEP1-SEP4 4 both both
Skew t ST1-ST5, SST 4 both lepto
t Family TF 3 (symmetric) lepto

Explicit Distributions in positive real line \(\Re^+\)

the scale family

If a random variable is distributed as \[Y\sim D(\mu,\sigma,\nu,\tau)\]

\[\varepsilon=(Y/\mu) \sim D(1,\sigma,\nu,\tau)\] then \(Y\) has a scale family

the weibull 3

the weibull 3 (con.)

1 and 2 parameter positive real line, \(\Re^+\).

  • exponencial, \(\texttt{EXP}(\mu,\sigma)\)

  • gamma \(\texttt{GA}(\mu,\sigma)\) member of the exponential family;

  • inverse gamma \(\texttt{IGAMMA}(\mu,\sigma)\);

  • inverse Gaussian, \(\texttt{IG}(\mu,\sigma)\) a member of the exponential family;

  • log-normal \(\texttt{LOGNO}(\mu,\sigma)\) and \(\texttt{LOGNO2}(\mu,\sigma)\).

  • Pareto \(\texttt{PARETO}(\mu,\sigma)\), \(\texttt{PARETO2o}(\mu,\sigma)\) and \(\texttt{GP}(\mu,\sigma)\) for heavy tail;

  • Weibull \(\texttt{WEI}(\mu,\sigma)\), \(\texttt{WEI2}(\mu,\sigma)\) and \(\texttt{WEI3}(\mu,\sigma)\) used in survival analysis.

Weibull survival and hazard

3 parameter positive real line \(\Re^+\)

  • Box-Cox Cole and Green, \(\texttt{BCCG}(\mu, \sigma, \nu)\) known also as the LMS method in centile estimation.

  • generalised gamma, \(\texttt{GG}(\mu, \sigma, \nu)\)

  • generalised inverse Gaussian, \(\texttt{GIG}(\mu, \sigma, \nu)\)

  • log-normal family, \(\texttt{LNO}(\mu, \sigma, \nu)\) based on the standard Box-Cox transformation

the BCCG

the BCCG (con.)

4 parameter positive real line \(\Re^+\)

  • Box-Cox power exponential, \(\texttt{BCPE}(\mu,\sigma,\nu,\tau)\) and \(\texttt{BCPEo}(\mu,\sigma,\nu,\tau)\) skewness and platy-lepto;

  • Box-Cox t, \(\texttt{BCT}(\mu,\sigma,\nu,\tau)\) and \(\texttt{BCTo}(\mu,\sigma,\nu,\tau)\) skewness and leptokurtosis;

  • generalised beta type 2, \(\texttt{GB2}(\mu,\sigma,\nu,\tau)\) skewness and platy-lepto.

the BCT

the BCT (con.)

the BCPE


Distributions family no par. skewness kurtosis
BCCG BCCG 3 both
BCPE BCPE 4 both both
BCT BCT 4 both lepto
Exponential EXP 1 (positive) -
Gamma GA 2 (positive) -
Gen. Beta type 2 GB2 4 both both
Gen. Gamma GG-GG2 3 positive -
Gen. Inv. Gaussian GIG 3 positive -
Inv. Gaussian IG 2 (positive) -
Log Normal LOGNO 2 (positive) -
Log Normal family LNO 2,(1) positive
Reverse Gen. Extreme RGE 3 positive -
Weibull WEI, WEI2, WEI3 2 (positive)

{.striped .hover}

Explicit Distributions on \(\Re_{(0,1)}\)

Distributions on \(\Re_{(0,1)}\)

Distributions family no par. skewness/kurtosis
beta BE 2 (both)
beta original BEo 2 (both)
generalized beta type 1 GB1 4 both
logit normal LOGITNO 2 (both)
simplex SIMPEX 2 (both)

the BE

Choosing distributions

Choosing distribution

global deviance

\[ \begin{split} GDEV=& -2\ell(\boldsymbol{\hat{\theta}}) =& -2 \sum_{i=1}^n \log f(y_i |\boldsymbol{\hat{\theta}}) \end{split}\]

generalized Akaike information criterion \[ GAIC(k) = GDEV + k \cdot df \] special cases \[\begin{split} {\rm AIC} &= \texttt{GDEV}+2 \, df\\ {\rm SBC} &= \texttt{GDEV}+ \log n \cdot df\ . \end{split}\]

Choosing distribution

prediction global deviance

\[\begin{split} TDEV=& -2, \ell (\boldsymbol{\widetilde{\theta}}) \\ =& -2\sum_{i=1}^{n_P} \log f( \widetilde{y}_i | \widetilde{\boldsymbol{\theta}}) \end{split}\]

\({\widetilde{ y}}\) indicates the response variable values at the validation (or test) sample,

How to fit distributions in R

  • optim() or mle() R functions requiring initial parameter values

  • gamlsssML() fits a distribution (using MLE) on the response with no explanatory variables

  • gamlss() fits a distribution on the response using RS or CG or mixed algorithms,

  • histDist() fits a distribution using gamlsssML(), and plots a histogram of the response with the fitted distribution

  • fitDist() fits a set of distributions to the response and chooses the one with the smallest GAIC

  • chooseDist() fits a set of distributions on a fitted model and chooses the one with the smallest GAIC

Example: DAX returns data

dax <-EuStockMarkets[,"DAX"]
Rdax <- diff(log(dax))

Example: DAX returns data (con.)



f1 <- fitDist(Rdax)
        GT       SEP2         PE        PE2        JSU       JSUo       SEP1 
-11967.683 -11965.533 -11962.464 -11962.464 -11961.477 -11961.477 -11961.305 
      SEP4       SEP3        TF2         TF        ST4        ST1       EGB2 
-11961.274 -11960.823 -11960.644 -11960.644 -11960.153 -11959.833 -11959.701 
       ST5        ST2        ST3        SST      SHASH    SHASHo2     SHASHo 
-11959.479 -11959.280 -11958.866 -11958.866 -11957.538 -11956.241 -11956.241 
        LO        NET        SN1        SN2         NO     exGAUS         GU 
-11932.112 -11919.175 -11759.871 -11739.127 -11733.208 -11733.171 -11262.120 
        RG         GA         GG        GB2       BCTo      BCCGo      BCPEo 
-10249.878  -7506.758  -7506.702  -7506.330  -7505.499  -7503.496  -7503.111 
       EXP    PARETO2   PARETO2o         IG     IGAMMA 
 -7481.488  -7479.488  -7479.487  -6705.703  -6486.337 


GAMLSS-RS iteration  1: Global Deviance = -11737.208 eps = 0.000000     
minimum GAIC(k= 2 ) family: GT 
minimum GAIC(k= 3.84 ) family: GT 
minimum GAIC(k= 7.53 ) family: PE 
GAIG with k= 2 
       GT      SEP2        PE       PE2       JSU      SEP1 
-11966.32 -11965.46 -11962.46 -11962.21 -11961.45 -11961.16 


m2 <- gamlss2(Rdax~1, family=GT, trace=FALSE)
fitted(m2, parameter="mu", type="parameter")[1,1]
[1] 0.0007286232
fitted(m2, parameter="sigma", type="parameter")[1,2]
[1] 0.01005041
fitted(m2, parameter="nu", type="parameter")[1,3]
[1] 3.633405
fitted(m2, parameter="tau", type="parameter")[1,4]
[1] 1.603723


m3 <- histDist(Rdax, family=GT, nbins=30, line.col="black")

practical 2


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